• Woman with blonde hair on the ground or the bottom part of a burpee. The text overlay says, “burpee: JUNK How To”

    JUNK How To | How To Burpee

    In cross-functional fitness, there are many forms of the burpee. They are a great option for making any workout more intense, and doing them well will make them more beneficial. Here are our burpee tips.
  • Christina Kole looks off the left of the image smiling. She has on a black athletic tank top with a silver necklace. Her signature is on the overlay of the screen that also reads “INSPIRE: A discussion of self love”

    Inspired Q&A | Christine Kole on Self-Love

    We chatted with Christine Kolenbrander about all the ways she shows herself love and for all the right reasons.  What are the ways you show yourself love? Growing up, I wasn’t very good at loving myself. I thought if you...

  • The magenta background is behind the Magenta headband with a geometric design, the text overlay says move in magenta

    Color Discovery | Magenta Collection

    Think pink? Not quite. The color of the year is the inspiration for JUNK’s Color Discovery for February. We carefully curated magenta headbands and magenta-themed headbands all in one place.
  • A strong black male athlete looks into the camera wearing a yellow and blue junk headband, the text overlay says, “Inspired: JUNK and the Black Collection” logo

    Inspired | BCA x JUNK

    Introducing Black Collection Apparel x JUNK Brands which includes new licensed apparel and high-performance headbands celebrating Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). HBCUs HBCUs were established over 100 years ago to provide undergraduate and graduate-level education opportunities to African Americans.  Today,...

  • Lava background with text overlay that says “JUNK How to, making small changes and big impacts.”

    JUNK How To | Making Small Changes and Big Impacts

    We rang in the new year, we got new headbands to wear during our workouts, and we set some nutrition goals to give our life more balance. Here are a few things our team is changing to make a big impact.