baby wearing JUNK headband getting kissed by her mom, the text says Mom strong Q&A: Jenn Dancer

Mom Strong | Jenn Dancer Q&A

Finding time for fitness as a mom can be challenging, so JUNK asked a couple of our athletes, who also happen to be some super strong moms, some questions to get them to share just a few of their secrets on how they make time for fitness while juggling mom life.

Jenn Dancer, a former professional soccer player, current CrossFitter, and absolute mom boss, gave birth to her first child, daughter Star, in October of 2020. Now she's learning how being a mom fits with living a fitness-forward lifestyle. Jenn shared some of her tips and insights on what it means to be mom strong.

An active lifestyle can reap physical benefits, such as increased strength and flexibility. Do you think it offers something beyond the physical, which might be beneficial to moms specifically?

It definitely goes beyond the physical for me. It’s my “quiet” time where I don’t worry about Star and it allows me to regroup so I can be a better mom!

There's so much pressure put on women's "post-baby body". It makes sense that some moms would feel anxious or stressed by this expectation, on top of the stress of being a new mom. What are your thoughts on this?

This is a hard one for me because my body isn’t bouncing back as fast as my other friends who have had babies, but I also wanted to take my postpartum journey very serious and SLOWLY come back and not have to prove anything to anybody. This is how it should be. But I think the pressure of getting our bodies back stems from nobody having a clue or a guide on what to do post baby. They literally send you home with no instructions on how to take care of yourself. If you have surgery or an injury, your doctor sends you to physical therapy! Why isn’t there anything for recovery after the biggest life altering event ( physically and mentally) for a mother who just had a baby?

What advice would you give to a busy mom who cares about her health but has yet to take the plunge into fitness? How does she begin?

Start by taking care of yourself mentally! Get outside and walk for fresh air and sunshine! Nap when your baby naps because sleep is a huge component for taking stress off your body which will aid in recovery and feeling sane! Drink lots of filtered water. I also recommend nose breathing! It’s so important for new moms bc it tells your body that you are OK. Sleep deprivation and anxiety are common when you are a new mom and that can take a toll on our bodies. Nose breathing signals our body that we safe and okay which decreases stress on our body. Once you start feeling balanced and energized then look into joining a gym or fitness classes.

When you have a tough day where you don't feel like working out, what inspires you to go out there and do it?

I don’t! I listen to my body. When I don’t feel like doing it I focus on what will make me happy. Sometimes that is a walk or a sled pull, sometimes it is a nap or meditation. Or maybe it’s stretching and journaling! It’s okay to listen to your body and not be active!

When you don't have much time, what is the most effective workout to get in?

Sled pull! And if I can’t leave the house then I enjoy doing a 100 of random movements. Abs, air squats, lunges, push-ups, leg raises etc.

Suggestions on how to fit exercise or a good workout in on a busy day?

You have to schedule it in your day. Write a time on your calendar and act like it’s a meeting!

What's the best way or your favorite way of exercising that gets your little one involved?

Daily walks or going to our gym when daddy is coaching!

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Designed by the Dancers
Mother's Day Headbands
About Sam & Jenn Dancer
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