The Mothers That Inspire Us | Meeting Danielle Henderson
About Danielle
Danielle started making cookies as a hobby in 2019 and took off with custom orders on social media. She was working as an RN, and in 2020 she was pregnant with her fifth child. She decided to lean into her cookie business. It took off after just a few posts sharing her hobby and is now incredibly successful!
Danielle is an incredible mom, grounded by her faith, and a massive art lover. Her love of art began as a young child. She entered several contests in Dallas Fort Worth. She was quiet and reserved, and art was her way of expressing herself: writing, painting, singing, sketching, doing nails and hair, all of it! It translates well into her business!
We chatted with Danielle about being a mom and how she stays strong.
What makes Mom’s great?
Putting your kids first. It’s a form of selflessness, not disregarding your own needs but putting these little people first that rely on you every day. The best moms focus on what their kids need and what their motherhood means to them.
Who are your motherly role models?
My mom! She is one of the hardest workers that I know. She always put me and my sisters first while taking care of the house and helping my dad.
What do you love about being a mom?
I love how fun it is! We have 7 different personalities in the house between our kids, Kalvin and me. Sometimes we just sit and watch how they all interact with each other and its so entertaining and interesting.
The most rewarding thing about motherhood is I get to shape these humans into great people. Something my husband and I say to each other is that the world needs more good people. This is our contribution, our tribute to the world. We are raising really good kids who are going to be really good adults.
What are your life balancing tips?
My mental health is a big focus, and I think my best advice is to prioritize it. Being able to have your own identity and being able to take care of yourself is important. You can’t take care of someone else if you’re not taken care of, it’s good to have a good balance.
Fitness is a huge part of my mental health and keeping balance. Being able to set time aside for me, whether it's 10 minutes alone to get myself together during the day or time to spend alone with me. For me, it's faith and prayer. I’ll read and study my bible, meditating and taking that time.
What are your hard days like? What are your tips for overcoming and staying happy?
Some days are hard, but I am really big on self-motivation. I force myself to do things even if I don’t want to. I force myself through it.
Having a partner or spouse that can pick up your slack on those days you aren’t feeling it- and be your teammate is a huge help. Kalvin is definitely that for me.
Teaching my kids to be independent in certain and safe ways has also been a big for us. Something as simple as letting them fix their own sandwiches can take a big load off of moms!
How do you prioritize fitness? How can moms make time in their schedules?
My weekly goal is to do something three times a week. If I can work out three times, I feel good about myself. We have a small at-home gym and have access to a gym. My 2-year-old is at home with me. Getting her involved is great. We go outside for a walk, small stuff, and getting any kind of fitness in is a great hack.
No specific type of movement is necessary. Sometimes when you try to categorize things as better or worse people feel guilty for not trying to do more. Even going for a light walk and getting your heart rate up a little bit more.
Do what you can fit in and any movement that increases your normal activity.
What are you doing to better yourself tomorrow?
Today I sat down and wrote my goals for next week! Making more goals to be able to reach and conquer. I take the things I want to accomplish and break them down into how I can do so. I want my children to have a role model to learn from.
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